Call Committee update:

The April 9th application deadline for inclusion on the Call Committee is rapidly approaching. As you may remember the Call Committee is to be made up of 5 and 9 members of the congregation with two of the members appointed by the Transition Team. Two members from the Transition Team have graciously accepted the appointment. We have not received any applications from congregation members at large but have heard of a number of individuals who are interested but have had neither the time nor the inclination to complete the application. As such, in order to respect your time we are waiving the requirement to complete the application to be considered as a member of the Call Committee.

Instead we urge anyone interested in serving to call Mary Braun or Jenny Schuett at the church office, contact a council member or inform Pastor Terry to get your name on the list of potential volunteers.

Thank you to all who have already expressed interest in serving and look forward many more.