Reformation 500 – Luther’s Small Catechism

Sunday’s and Wednesday’s Sermons/Table Talks during Lent

March 5 & 8 — The Ten Commandments

March 12 & 15 — The Apostle’s Creed (listen to Gospel and sermon)

March 19 & 22 — The Lord’s Prayer

March 26 & 29 — Holy Baptism

April   2 & 5 — Holy Communion


Lenten Worship schedule:

March 1          Ash Wednesday-5:30pm Potluck – 6:30pm Service (Communion)

March 8          5:30pm Potluck          6:30pm Service

March 15        5:30pm Potluck          6:30pm Service

March 22        5:30pm Potluck          6:30pm Service

March 29        5:30pm Potluck          6:30pm Service

April 5             5:30pm Potluck          6:30pm Service

April 13          Maundy Thursday-6:30pm Service (Communion)

April 14          Good Friday – 9:00am Service

April 16          Easter Sunday- 8:30am & 10:00am Service (Communion)