“We are Ransomed”

The imagery of exile is used to help the readers of this letter (Second Reading: 1 Peter 1:17-23) understand that they are strangers in a strange land. Christians no longer belong to this age. Through the death of Christ we belong to God, so that our focus, faith, and hope are no longer on such things as silver or gold.

Click HERE to listen to the readings, Gospel and sermon for the Third Sunday of Easter. Thank you to Randy Tofteland for leading us in worship today. Randy mentioned his brother, Curt, who is the founder of Shakespeare Behind Bars, as part of his message today. The Mission of Shakespeare Behind Bars is to offer theatrical encounters with personal and social issues to incarcerated and post-incarcerated adults and juveniles, allowing them to develop life skills that will ensure their successful reintegration into society. If you want to find out more about this ministry, go to this link https://www.shakespearebehindbars.org/