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Church Gatherings and the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

From the Northeast Minnesota Synod:

Let’s be wise as individuals and Leaders of congregations and committees with respect to the coronavirus (COVID19.  Much of what I am going to say is simply common sense, but it is so very important for us to take seriously and think ahead. 
From +Bishop Aitken
Here are some tips:
1. All the medical experts are reminding us over and over to wash our hands – over and over these days.  They add: “with soap and water for at least 20 seconds” and often during each day and avoid touching other’s hands, and your eyes, nose and mouth. Cough or sneeze only into your bent elbow, or a tissue that you immediately dispose of – then wash your hands again thoroughly.  If the sneezing continues when you are at work or at worship, go home. 

2. Keep physical distance between others these days: It’s a good practice these days to hold your meetings over ZOOM or some other media meeting platform.  

3. Don’t go to worship if you are sneezing or coughing – if you are sick at all – stay home and don’t feel bad about encouraging others to stay home.  

4. Worship leaders:  Share this kind of information publicly each Sunday:  
– Share the peace without touching anyone.  Nodding or a respectful head bow with your hands crossed over your heart, or easier yet- simply say “the peace of Christ.”   
-For Communion today – please know that each server will be washing hands thoroughly with soap and water and/or with alcohol-based liquid hand sanitizer before preparing the Meal, and right before distribution.  Today, and during this flu and virus season,  We will not be doing Communion by Intinction:  Instead we will all receive individual cups which will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized with even more attention than usual. 

5. In addition to the above suggestions from the Synod, we at Bethesda will not be passing the Offering Plate.  Instead, the plate will be at the entrance of the Sanctuary for you to drop off your offering before or after service.   Simply Giving forms are also available in the Narthex.  You can click HERE to print your own Simply Giving form.  Once filled out, return to the office.