“There is, indeed, a transforming moment when a Quilt passes from our hands into another’s, and they embrace it.”

– Kirk Betts, Former Chairman of the LWR Board of Directors, upon distributing LWR Quilts in Niger

On Sunday, April 30, Bethesda Lutheran Church quilters displayed quilts to go to Lutheran World Relief.  This quilt group was organized in 1985 and has continued to be active.  Come join the group on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 9:00am

Imagine the comfort that comes from a hug at the time when you need it most. That’s the feeling you can share with an LWR Quilt. Through a simple combination of fabric and thread, you can reach out to people in their time of greatest need with a strong message of hope — you are not alone.

First and foremost, recipients use their LWR Quilts to shield against the cold and rain, and for warm bedding. But their versatility also makes Quilts useful as simple tents, floor coverings, or a wrap to hold a baby on a mother’s back. To read more, go the LWR link.
